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Federation Consultation

The governors of St Luke's CE Primary School are proposing that the existing five school partnership, which this school is part of, secures their partnership arrangements for the future by creating what is known as a school federation.

This proposal has been developed by Governors and Clergy from across all five schools following extensive discussion, including with both Local Authorities and the London Diocesan Board for Schools who are responsible for church schools.

The Governing Bodies of the five schools in the partnership want to hear your views about their proposal to jointly form a Federation, which would be called the Go Shine Federation.

The consultation document available on this page provides more detail about why this is being proposed and how to respond. Opportunities have been arranged for staff and parents to meet with leaders and governors to provide in-person feedback or ask questions.

Consultation will take place from 13th January to midday on Monday 24th February, although we would encourage feedback before February half-term if possible.

You are welcome to complete the online feedback form that is available here.