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Pupil voice

What our pupils tell us about their experience of school

  • There are so many fun things to do at St Luke’s. I like reading with my teacher.
  • My teacher is smart. She knows what to teach me and how to help me write my numbers.
  • I like the way my teacher shows me what to do in maths. She models the questions on the board before we do them in our books.
  • I enjoyed coming to the school hub when school was closed because I could see my friends in real life but also
  • I was taught by my teacher 3 times a day on Zoom.
  • I feel safe at St Luke’s. My teachers are kind. They like listening to my good news and also help me if I am worried.
  • I feel responsible being in year 6. We are chosen to help lead church services and Miss is helping us prepare for secondary school.
  • I feel safe in school.  I love it when the teachers make me laugh.
  • I know that I am in a safe and secure place.
  • My friends always comfort me when I am upset.
  • I am happy because I come to this school and we learn lots of things and we have movie night.
  • My best friends at school help me if I’m sad and look after me.​
  • When someone is being silly and I think about joining in, the teacher tells them to stop and I don't join in because it's not a good choice.
  • We should live as Jesus did and should help people and should forgive people who hurt us. 

What our pupils tell us about how they remember things: Retrieval Practice

  • Retrieval practice is when we practice last week’s work. The work from the back of our brain goes to the front and this makes you remember more.
  • We are doing retrieval practice. It’s when you go back to the stuff that you did. It helps keep it in our minds.
  • We are recapping our learning so that it stays in our brains!

What our pupils told us about our Remote Learning - January to March 2021

  • I was able to still get my education and see my friends and teacher, even though it was not in person, as my lessons were on Zoom.
  • I was really happy to see my friends and teacher on Zoom everyday.
  • Home learning was basically exactly what we do at school. I liked the fact that we still had story time everyday.
  • Because we were already doing our homework on Google Classroom since September, I knew exactly what to do.
  • The packs that we got sent home with number squares, a whiteboard and my sound mat helped me with my learning.
  • Our Zoom lessons during the time school was closed was great. I could still do lots of my learning as my teacher was teaching me on Zoom. It was like coming to school but not coming to school.

What our pupils tell us about Christian Meditation

  • I like talking to God during Christian meditation. I feel calm.
  • I like praying in class. It makes me happy as God can answer my questions.
  • I like Christian meditation because it is like a moment of silence and you are in your own space.
  • I like that in school we can talk to God about our worries when we pray and do reflection in assembly.
  • We can have time to talk to God and say thank you for all the lovely things he’s done for us.