
St Luke's Church of England

Primary School

'Go shine in the world.'

Christian Life

  • Pupils at St Luke's value and actively participate in the Christian life and mission of our school.   The children have respect for themselves and others and know that they are made in the image and likeness of God.  This is exemplified in the way that the children behave towards one another: how they speak and listen, give thanks, notice each other's kindnesses, forgive and are forgiven in turn.  
  • Our pupils want to reach out to their community and make a difference in the world beyond the community too, in small ways, and larger ones also.  The children regularly contribute to our church Foodbank and support charities such as Plan International, Water Aid, Comic Relief and Children in Need.
  • The children at St Luke's actively participate in enriching Christain faith opportunities provided by the school, such as faith visits, visitors and retreats e.g. regular visits to St Luke's Church, Westminster Abbey, St Paul's Cathedral, regular visits from our parish vicar and youth workers to school. 
  • Children at St Luke's have an understanding of what it means to have a vocation or mission and they joyfully offer their gifts in the service of others e.g. singing for the public at Christmas, and by collecting food for the local homeless and FoodBank charity 
  • We are very fortunate to have strong and valuable links with our parish community and the children enjoy participating in parish and church celebrations and activities.  Our children, from Reception to Year 6, grow in confidence and express pride in their own religious and cultural identity and beliefs.  This is shown through their full participation in the prayer services and collective worship in classes and with the whole school, parents and parish community.